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May 2022

New Haven, CT



Rudolph Perkins Presents...


Rudy Perkins Realty Newsletter!

"Insider Tips For Healthy, Wealthy & Happy Living..."

Why You Need Amino Acids


     You’ve probably heard of amino acids and may even know that they’re good for you. But do you know how they help your body function? You might want to learn more, especially since some amino acids are critical to your overall health and well-being and impossible for the body to generate independently.


What Amino Acids Do

     Twenty amino acids fit into three essential, nonessential, and conditional categories. Of those 20, there are nine that the body cannot produce independently. These are the “essential” amino acids, including lysine, histidine, and tryptophan.

     Amino acids are often called the “building blocks of proteins” or even the “building blocks of life.” Without them, our bodies couldn’t break down the food we eat into usable energy. Some amino acids are essential for athletes to have an added burst of energy when they need it. Others are crucial for the body to repair after an injury. And still, others enable hair to grow.

     Without adequate amino acids, people can experience fatigue, weakness, depression, and digestive issues, among other things.


How To Ensure You’re Getting Enough

     The nine “essential” amino acids, the ones our bodies can’t make, come from the foods we consume. The good news is that we have lots of options for foods that are rich in amino acids, though not everything on the list contains all nine.

     Protein-heavy foods have amino acids, too. Some contain nine essential amino acids, including eggs, quinoa, poultry, beef, pork, fish, dairy products, and whole soy. More animal proteins have all nine, but you can get all the amino acids your body needs without eating animal products. Legumes, whole grains, mushrooms, nuts, and seeds are all amino acid-rich.

     In some cases (such as promoting post-surgery healing), taking an essential amino acid supplement may be warranted. As always, it’s important to discuss diet and vitamin intake changes with your doctor, as an excess of amino acids in your system can also be harmful to your health.


Thinking Of Selling Your Home Soon?
Don’t attempt to sell your home without my Free Consumer Guide, “6 Steps For Selling Your Home For Top Dollar.”  My exclusive report will give you all the facts for a fast, top-dollar sale.  Get your free copy by emailing me at [email protected]

Word of the Month…

Studies have shown your income and wealth are directly related to the size and depth of your vocabulary. Here is this month’s word, so you can impress your friends (and maybe even fatten your wallet!)…


altruistic (pronounced al-true-IS-tik) adjective 

Meaning: having an unselfish concern for others 

Sample Sentence: She regularly prepares meals for the houseless people in her community and rarely talks about doing so—her motivations are so altruistic she doesn’t even seek praise for her actions.





Freeze Fresh Foods

Don’t let food go to waste! Freeze fresh produce for easy and delicious use later on.

-Fruit: Cut into the size you’ll need when you eventually use it and toss with lemon juice to prevent browning. Freeze pieces flat on a tray, then move to zip-top bags or freezing containers.

-Vegetables: Most need to be blanched (scalded in boiling water quickly) before freezing. Cool the veggies in an ice bath afterward and pat them dry before freezing in zip-top bags or freezing containers.

-Herbs: These can be washed, dried, and frozen whole in zip-top bags, or you can freeze chopped herbs with olive oil in ice cube trays. You don’t even need to defrost the cubes to use them in a recipe.




Quotes To Live By…

“When I use my strength in the service of my vision, it makes no difference whether or not I am afraid.”                 –Audre Lorde, Poet.


“Great things are not done by impulse but by a series of small things brought together.”

–George Eliot, Writer


“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”              

–Andy Warhol, Artist

How To Cope With A Break-Up


     Breaking up (as the song goes) is hard to do, whether you’re the one who’s leaving or the one being left. Whatever side you’re on, here are some tools to help you get through an incredibly challenging time without succumbing to potentially harmful coping mechanisms.


  • A Change Of Scenery: Try to avoid going places that only remind you of your former partner. Don’t constantly check their social media accounts (delete the apps from your phone if necessary). If you can swing it, removing yourself from your surroundings for a short time (like a camping trip or weekend at the beach) can be cathartic.
  • Express Yourself: Keep a journal to help process your emotions. Find a healthy outlet to release pent-up anger and frustration (such as a kick-boxing workout or a dance-til-you-drop marathon).
  • Call In Reinforcements: Visit your therapist for expert help sorting through your feelings. Tell your nearest and dearest friends and family what’s going on and accept their offers of help. And be sure you thank your support network.

     Above all, give yourself the grace to feel whatever you’re feeling and time to mourn the loss. Any loss is complex, and it’s ok to be sad (or mad).


Scan Files With Your Phone


     Put technology to work for you in overcoming the dreaded mountain of paperwork! Did you know you can scan and organize important documents with your smartphone or tablet?

     With an iPhone, open the Notes app, select the camera button, and “Scan Documents.” You can also open the Files app and choose “Scan Documents” from the three-dot menu. Then you can upload them directly to your iCloud account (you can also organize and tag them to make them easy to find).

      With Android phones, open the Google Drive app, select the “Add” option, and then “Scan.” The files are automatically saved to your Google Drive.

     You can download dozens of other scan-capable apps, both paid and free. Microsoft’s Lens app (free) has a setting for scanning business cards that pulls relevant contact information and adds it to your contacts. Adobe Scan (free) gives you the ability to scan documents as PDFs and review, edit, and sign PDFs you receive. Apps like Expensify, QuickBooks, and Abukai let you scan receipts to cut down on the data entry you would otherwise need to do.


Here's A Free, Valuable Resource...

Now You Can Search The Home Market, Get Helpful Community Information, AND Receive Important Resources For Saving Time And Money When Buying Or Selling At www.RudyPerkinsRealty.com 


Brain Teaser…

There’s a word in every dictionary that’s spelled incorrectly. What is it?

 (See page 4 for the answer.)

Real Estate Question?

Maybe you want to know how much your home is worth. Or perhaps you need a recommendation for a handyman, carpet cleaner, or plumber. Either way, I love hearing from my good friends and clients. And I’m happy to help answer questions you might have about anything relating to real estate or homeownership. If you have a question, tip or idea, email me at [email protected]. I’m here to help!

Stately Souvenirs

If you like bringing home something unique every time you travel, check out this list from Travel + Leisure (travelandleisure.com/style/shopping/local-gifts-yelp) for suggestions on the most authentic souvenirs that represent each state, from Alabama pecans to Wyoming chokecherry jam.


Websites To Learn About Art

Are you looking to expand your cultural horizons? Here are a few sites to satisfy your artsy cravings.


artsandculture.google.com There are virtual tours of art museums worldwide, art-related online games, and more than 100,000 pieces of art cataloged on this user-friendly site and mobile app.


smarthistory.org, Run by the Center for Public Art History, Smarthistory is a collection of videos and articles from hundreds of art experts. The topics cover all eras from prehistoric until the present day.


skillshare.com/browse/art You may have visited the Skillshare site for classes you needed for work. Still, there’s an incredible variety of art-related lessons, too, from keeping an old-fashioned sketchbook to using Procreate to make animation.

Save For A Home On
Any Budget


     Owning a home may still be part of the traditional American dream, but saving up to buy a home sometimes feels impossible. However, there are ways to save money for a down payment regardless of your income and budget. Here are some tips to get you started.


  • Work On Your Credit Score. You’re likely to pay a higher interest rate on a home loan with a lower credit score. Having a higher credit score usually means a lower interest rate, so you’d be paying less for the same house. Your credit score can also impact the down payment that’s required.
  • Concentrate on Reducing Your Debts. Banks look at your debt-to-income ratio with any home loan application, and one of the best ways to improve your credit score is to pay down your debts. This doesn’t mean you must have zero obligations; it just means your debt-to-income ratio may determine how big your down payment will need to be. 
  • Cut Expenses. Do a careful audit of your monthly expenses and make a list of what might be unnecessary, like a streaming service you don’t watch very often or a subscription or membership you forgot you signed up for. Look into refinancing things like student or auto loans. Think about a less expensive rental home to put that extra money away.
  • Automate Savings. Set up automatic transfers to an investment or savings account every time you get a paycheck. Have tax refunds automatically deposited into your savings, not checking, account.

     As you work on building up your savings, remember that this doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of anything fun—that would lead to resentment. Refocus the idea of treating yourself to your new budget. Instead of a fancy dinner out or an international trip, opt for a less expensive happy hour date or a weekend getaway.


     And, when you’re ready to get the ball rolling on buying that house, give me a call! I’m here to help with plenty of information for first-time homebuyers.


Please Welcome New Clients And Friends Into Our Real Estate Family...


I want to take a moment to welcome my newest clients personally and thank my good friends who have supported my business over the years.  And special thanks to everyone who thought of me with your referrals! 













Thanks For Thinking of Me!

Did you know I can help you or your friends or family save time and money when buying or selling a home? Thanks for keeping me in mind with your referral and spreading the word about my services.

Brain Teaser Answer: 



The Keys To Clean

We may all be more conscious about cleaning these days, but when was the last time you cleaned your keys? Luckily, it’s easy to do.


Put your keys (not including any keychains that should not get wet, OR your electronic car keys!) into a bowl of warm water with some dish soap and use an old toothbrush to scrub out the stubborn gunk. Dry everything with a towel, and then go over every surface with rubbing alcohol using a cotton ball (this helps keep surfaces from rusting).


If your keys do get rusty, soak them in a bowl of a half-and-half mix of water and white vinegar for about 30 minutes. Use that old toothbrush to loosen stubborn rusty bits.




THANK YOU for reading Rudy Perkins Realty, my

newsletter. I wanted to produce a newsletter with great content that is fun and valuable to you. Your constructive feedback is always welcome.

AND…whether you’re thinking of buying, selling or financing real estate, or just want to stop by and say “Hi,” I’d love to hear from you…



Rudy Perkins Realty


[email protected]

Disclaimer: The information contained in this letter is intended for informational purposes. It should not substitute as legal, accounting, investment, medical or other professional services advice. Always seek a competent professional for answers to your specific questions. This letter is not intended to solicit real estate properties currently for sale.

Real Estate Corner…


Q: How can I “stage” my home, so it sells quickly for the price I want? 


 A: Ensure you address both the outside and the inside of the house by cleaning and de-cluttering everything, from the front yard to the garage to the kitchen, bathrooms, and basement.  Put away your items so buyers can imagine themselves living there. 


One way to take years off your home is with paint.  Check the home’s exterior paint job, and don’t forget the front door, mailbox, garage doors, and walkways.  In the interior, remove pictures from the walls (as well as old wallpaper) and paint the walls in a neutral color.  


Also, consider these tips if you want to sell your home fast for a reasonable price:  a) Hire professional cleaners to do the work; b) Get a home inspection before you put it on the market, and c) Make your landscaping look sharp.   


For a list of the specific steps, you should take, ask for my Free Consumer Report called “4 Steps To Stage Your Home For A Fast Sale.”  I’ll send you a copy right away. 


     If you have questions or need competent and trustworthy representation, please email me at [email protected].


“Who Wants To Win

$50.00 Gift Certificate?”


     Then be the first person to answer this month's Trivia Question correctly. 


Last Month's Trivia Question.


What Victorian-era disease was common on ships but could be prevented with oranges?

a) rickets  b) scurvy  c) consumption  d) gout


      The answer is b) scurvy. Scurvy is caused by a Vitamin C deficiency and can result in severe weakness and gum disease. Sailors brought oranges on long voyages to prevent it.


Let’s move on to this month’s trivia question.


How many European countries have capital cities
on the coastline with the Atlantic Ocean?

a) zero b) one c) two d) three



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